About Us

The Emblem of the School gives it a visual identity. It highlights the vision and represents the principles and values the School stands for. The core figures are set within the inner circle while the space between the two circles has the name of the school inscribed.

The Cross symbolizes the love, sacrifice and victory of Jesus Christ who came to this world to redeem humanity and whose values the School upholds while seeking His benevolence on everyone who enters the portal of our Institution.

'M' stands for the Blessed Virgin Mary who is the Heavenly Patroness of our School. Inspired by her faith, simplicity and devotion the Marian family strives for integrity and excellence.

The lamp with the burning flame beckons all Marians to be inpursuit of true wisdom and knowledge and to radiate the divine light of God to the world around.

The inner circle represents the marian bonding and the inner aspiration for self realisation and wholeness.

The outer Circle denotes completeness which encompasses all divinity and the seamless striving of the marians to touch and heal.

The blue band bearing the motoo of the school acts as a fastener for reinforcement of a range of values.


Our Motto

The Motto of our School 'Let your light shine' clearly sums up the aim of the School. It aims at empowering our students to illumine their hearts and minds with the light of truth and brotherhood.

Our Vision

St. Mary’s Convent School aims to be an institution of excellence dedicated to a value based and wholesome education to prepare girls and boys for the world of tomorrow imbued with the spirit of service, integrity and democratic values in keeping with the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Our Mission

To fulfill our vision our constant endeavor here at St. Mary’s Convent School is to inculcate in our staff and students a sound philosophy of life in keeping with the motto of our school ‘Let your light shine’ while imparting an all round education to the young. We emphasize on the physical, spiritual, intellectual and moral development of the children entrusted to our care.